Inyo Register

– One Grateful Mother

her pregnancy, which it sounds like you are already doing for them. Now, she and this man need to figure out a plan moving forward. It’s entirely unfair to her, their baby and his wife at home for him to have one foot in and the other out. Unless he is able to fully commit to your daughter and their unborn baby, he simply cannot continue living in her condo.

Dear Annie: I’m writing in response to “Rocky Mountain,” whose son, “Kyle,” wishes to be a father but who hasn’t met the right match to settle down and start a family with. I think you neglected another alternative: adoption. There are many children who would love to have a wonderful dad, and who knows what kinds of possibilities there could be for someone like Kyle?

I was divorced years ago at 38 and with no children. I did the math and figured that the time to meet someone, get married, get pregnant and have a child or two didn’t fit my schedule, so I decided to adopt twin boys from Russia. After I was approved for adoption and before I went to get the boys, I met “Sam.” We had one date; I brought the boys home; we got married six months later and have been married for 23 years. There is more than one way to create a family!

Dear Grateful Mother: What a beautiful, heartwarming story! You’re right that families come in all different shapes and sizes. May “Kyle” and others in his shoes consider adoption as a way to start the family they’ve always dreamed of – a blessing for both parent and child.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com.

(March 21 to April 19) You might not like the sudden setback in your plans. But keep that headstrong Arian temperament in check and wait for explanations. Things will begin to clear up by week’s end.

(April 20 to May 20) Enjoy the respite from your recent hectic schedule, but be ready to plunge into a new round of social activities. A new contact holds much potential for the future.

(May 21 to June 20) A trusted colleague has news that could change your perception of a current workplace situation. What had seemed unfair might prove to be highly favorable after all.

(June 21 to July 22) You still need to watch what you say and how you say it. What you assert as honesty, others might perceive as Crabbiness. Be patient. This difficult period clears up by the weekend.

(July 23 to August 22) Your Royalness needs some time away from the limelight to catch up on things, whether it’s tidying up your desk or making those calls you’ve put off.


You’re back in the center of things by the weekend.

(August 23 to September 22) Honesty is the best policy, of course. But, you’ll do better at achieving your goals if you can be less aggressive and more circumspect in how you phrase your comments.

(September 23 to October 22) Your ability to maintain your balance in confusing situations continues to work for you. Stay on the steady course, one step at a time. The weekend shows improvement.

(October 23 to November 21) Your indecisiveness could simply be your keen Scorpian sense warning you to be wary of making a commitment. Take this time to do a more thorough investigation.


(November 22 to December 21) Good news: New information comes your way to help you make a more informed decision on how to deal with the opportunity that has opened up for you.

(December 22 to January 19) This is a good time to reinforce your self-confidence by acknowledging your own good qualities. A lull in your social life ends by the weekend. Have fun.

(January 20 to February 18) It’s a good time to let those recently pent-up emotions flow more freely. Why not start by letting the people you care for know how you really feel about them?

(February 19 to March 20) Resist offers, no matter how wellintentioned, to help with a personal decision. Only you know what must be done, and you have the emotional strength to follow through.


You have a talent for getting things done. You also have a gift for bringing people together in both personal and professional relationships.






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